Tag Archives: Top Eye Creams

Top Eye Creams – Clear Skin Without Cleansers author

Is it really possible to get clear skin without using cleansers? Most people will probably tell you no. However, chances are that if you look at a lot of the people you know with clear skin, you’ll find that many of them do not have to use cleansers. In fact, a lot of people with clear skin seldom do more than rinse their face with water. Maybe all those cleansers you’re using to try and fight acne are not really the answer.
A few years ago I was living in the dorms at my college, trying everything to win the battle against acne that had plagued me for so long. I’m a guy, but my list of skin care products was well beyond what most girls I knew possessed. I had a full selection of acne products, including antibacterial soaps, creams, wipes, toners, pore cleansers, and more. I treated my face at least three times per day with the system I developed, and managed to keep my acne from getting too horrible, although it was never really gone. The worst were the large cystic lumps that would occasionally pop up, and nothing really worked against them.
What would drive me crazy was that while I slaved away at trying to keep my face halfway presentable, my roommate who barely washed his face always had clear skin! There were people in that dorm with perfectly clear skin, whose personal hygiene habits would make baboons cringe!
Even back in high school, I remembered staring into the mirror while washing my face with a three-step system and wondering: “does anybody else really have to do this?” There had to be a better way.
Determined to find a real, long-term clear skin solution, I turned to the source of all random knowledge and gossip: the internet.
Visiting acne message boards, I found plenty of unorthodox treatments, but a lot of them sounded too much like the temporary fixes I had already been using. The only one that really stood out was vitamin B5.
The testimony I had heard from B5 users sounded almost too good to be true, and the fact that these people were talking about a generic vitamin rather than a name brand product made the testimony that much more interesting. The doses required were large, but since the vitamin was water-soluble and had no side effects, I decided it was worth the trouble. My father also happens to be a doctor, and he confirmed that B5 was harmless before I started using it.
My results were fast, and different from any acne treatment I had used before. After four days, my face began to feel less oily and I noticed the redness in my acne diminishing. Many of the smaller zits I had just disappeared. I did not get clear skin all at once, but within weeks I simply ceased to get new zits, and surprisingly, my face stayed that way. I know it sounds corny, but I really felt like I had discovered this big secret that I wanted to share with world.
After a few months I was able to reduce my dosage of vitamin B5 and still keep my skin clear. The tons of skin care products I had accumulated began collecting dust, and my only regret was how much money I had wasted on all those temporary treatments. It just felt great not having to worry about a system of cleansers. I rinsed my face in the morning and at night, and that was it. In a word, I was “normal”.
So if you’re looking for a real acne solution, my advice is to skip the cleansers and give B5 a shot. Having clear skin without cleansers is not as crazy as it sounds, it’s actually the most natural solution out there.

Don Amodeo

Choose Natural Skin Care Products for a Gorgeous Complexion and Healthier Skin

Natural skin care products provide an excellent alternative to many beauty and skin products found on the market. We often don’t realize how many chemicals and toxins are being absorbed into our bodies through skin care and hair care products. Shampoos, make-up, perfumes, facial cleansers, and even baby care products often contain harmful chemicals that can irritate our skin, dry it out, or cause premature aging. That’s why so many people are choosing natural skin care products.

Benefits of Natural Skin Care Products

There are many benefits of organic skin care because true all-natural products contain no harmful chemicals or additives. If you have allergies, recurring skin rashes (or eczema), itchy or dry skin, or even very oily skin, then you might be worsening the problem by using products with certain chemicals and additives. Organic skin care provides a natural way for you to cleanse your skin and hair, enhance your beauty with cosmetics, and even protect your skin from the sun. If you have very sensitive skin, natural hair care and skin care products might even help prevent outbreaks of rashes or skin redness and irritation.

The skin absorbs most anything that it comes in contact with, including any chemicals found in beauty products. With all-natural products, your skin will absorb the organic ingredients more quickly and with more positive results. Absorbing organic products can actually enhance your skin and health, and your body can process the ingredients in a more efficient way.

If you have a baby or small child, their skin is extremely delicate. You can select natural baby care products for their shampoos, lotions, powders, and soaps.

Ingredients found in Organic Products

Common ingredients found in natural skin care products include oatmeal, aloe vera, hemp seed, virgin olive oil, sunflower seed oil, primrose extract, essential oils, cucumber, shea butter, collagen, and many other natural ingredients and extracts. These all have different purposes such as adding moisture and much-needed minerals to your skin and hair, reducing wrinkles, stretch-mark reduction, dead skin removal, sun protection, and moisturizing the lips.

Types of Natural Beauty Products

With the increasing demand for all-natural or organic products, there are now many companies that specialize in organic products, whether it’s food and beverages or natural hair care and skin care products. Some of the beauty products available include natural soaps for babies and adults, organic make-up foundation and finishing powders, all-natural shampoos and conditioners, facial cleansers and toners, bath salts, organic oils for skin, bath scrubs, facial masks, anti-wrinkle creams, shaving soaps, natural lotions, soothing gels, and even organic lamps for aromatherapy. There are also many natural men’s skin care products and natural baby care products.

How to Buy All-Natural Products

You can find organic skin and hair care products at your local herbal or organic store. But the easiest way to find specific products for your needs is to shop online. There are hundreds of organic skin care products online and you can often find these at very affordable prices. You can easily search for specific products that will help your skin and hair type. These products also make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas, or any occasion.

Your entire family from the youngest to the eldest can benefit from natural skin care products, and you’ll each enjoy healthier, more radiant skin and hair!

Anti Aging Skin Care Truths and Techniques

Aging will definitely come to all of us. As we live our everyday lives, we also grow old. We all know what aging does to us. The process of growing old makes us frail, slower, and more likely to fall ill. Everyday, as we live, we become older and there is no denying the fact that our skin will give out the most inconvenient evidence that indeed, we are aging.

When a person is younger, the skin is elastic, bouncy and self-moisturizing. However, with age, it loses a little of its elasticity. The skin becomes thinner, and loses its capacity to rejuvenate itself. This happens when collagen is produced less and less which results in wrinkle formation and skin sagging especially around the eyes, the mouth, or in places where the skin is thinner. Other signs of aging skin are the appearance of dark spots due to sudden dryness of skin and loss of oil content of the skin on the face. The dryness is due the shutting down of the sebaceous glands which stop producing oil.

Although one cannot stop the process of aging, there are actually a lot a person can do to help fight wrinkles and look younger. If one aims to be lively and robust in their “senior” years, one needs to learn some anti-aging skin care secrets. Here are some anti-aging skin care tips that are the most frequently touted anti-aging techniques.


Eat a low-fat diet that contains complex carbohydrates. The standard advice from the US government is to consume 5 fruits and vegetables and 3 servings of whole grains daily for vitamins and minerals and the other healthful micro-nutrients in plants. Drink five to eight glasses of water. Get no more than about 30-35 percent of daily calories from fat, with about 20 percent of that from unsaturated fat (e.g., 1 percent milk, olive and canola oil); 15 percent from protein; and the remaining calories from carbohydrates, with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, whole wheat bread and wild rice.


Exercise regularly. Build endurance and strength with exercise. Regular aerobic exercise is a “must-do” for anyone committed to slowing the aging process. Hundreds of studies show that exercise combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength, balance, and bone density that increases with age. The American Heart Association advises doing a single set of eight to 15 repetitions, using eight to 10 exercises, two to three times a week for a comprehensive strength-building program. If you are not a beginner, that’s about a 10-minute routine.


Maximize antioxidants intake. Free radicals contribute to the onset of age-related diseases and antioxidants “neutralize” free radicals. Everyone should take a combination of antioxidants through diet and supplementation. Eat dark-colored vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, squash, and spinach for carotenoids and blue and purple berries for flavonoids. Because foods contain many classes of antioxidants that work synergistically, they are the superior source of antioxidants. But because we don’t always eat as we should, experts advocate the daily intake of supplements and antioxidants including 200-250 mg of vitamin C; 100-400 IU of vitamin E; and a mixed carotenoid supplement of 6-10 mg.

With some care and pampering, and living a happy life, one can have an excellent skin even in their golden years. Some are lucky and have a natural resistance to aging. Those who have not, depend on proper anti aging skin care treatment to keep their skin glowing and young.

A Guide on Choosing Organic Skin Care Products

Take a stroll along any beauty or skin care aisle and you will be bombarded by products claiming that they are “all-natural” or “organic.” The high demand for organic skin care products had drive major skin care product and cosmetic producers to mass-produce. Unfortunately, while this seems like a good news, mass producing skin care products and cosmetics is not practical unless manufacturers use preservatives and other chemicals to increase the shelf like of their supposedly “organic” products. As such, care must be taken in choosing organic skin care products to ensure authenticity and quality. Here is a guide to help you in choosing authentic organic skin care products:

1. Look for the USDA organic seal of approval.

The USDA has imposed several requirements for organic skin care products. Every product claiming to be organic must bear the USDA organic seal of approval. This means that the product has been tested and had met the quality standards set by the USDA for safety. The USDA sign means that the product and its components has passed tests conducted by the USDA for antibiotic and hormone use in livestock and crops.

2. Check beyond face-value.

Do not take the manufacturer’s word for what it is. Instead, read the label to get a thorough idea of the ingredients used for the manufacture of the product. When manufacturers put “organic” or “all-natural” labels on their products, they might be stretching the truth a bit. Some unscrupulous manufacturers may have used an organic ingredient but this does not make their products “organic.” Instead, check and read labels thoroughly to ensure that the product you are going to buy is indeed organic. Whenever possible, take note of some ingredients you don’t understand in the label and look it up online prior to your purchase to ensure that they are not preservatives or chemicals.

3. Be familiar with USDA organic ranking.

The USDA grants its organic seal of approval to products that passed its organic standards. In addition, the USDA also implements a system that designates a product as purely organic or not. Being familiar with this system ensures that you won’t be fooled when it comes to choosing an organic product. First, only products that used purely organic substances in their manufacture can be labeled “100% organic.” Second, products with 95% or more organic ingredients can be labeled “organic” in their primary label. Third, products with 70%-95% organic ingredients can only be described as “made with organic ingredients” with three of these organic ingredients listed on the label. Lastly, products with only 70% organic ingredients or less can only use the word “organic” in their ingredient section.

By understanding what the manufacturers mean when they label their products as organic, you can minimize the risk of purchasing scam products masquerading as organic skin care lines. Better yet, research on the Internet for reviews and recommendations on the best organic skin care products around to make your choice easier.

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