Tag Archives: Simple

Simple Skin Beauty: Every Woman’s Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy, Gorgeous Skin

It’s every woman’s skin care fantasy: What if a leading dermatologist just happened to be your best friend and you could ask her anything?Dr. Ellen Marmur, a world-renowned New York City dermatologist, is ready to answer your questions with this comprehensive, cutting-edge guide to healthy, beautiful skin. Each day in Dr. Marmur’s practice, she hears the same questions again and again from so many patients. “What’s the best investment against aging?” “Will this cream make my wrinkles go away?” “What does a cancerous spot look like?”A busy mother of four, Dr. Marmur knows women don’t have the time or money to waste on products or procedures that are costly and ineffective. As a skin cancer surgeon — and a skin cancer survivor herself — she has treated thousands of patients confused about sun protection, cosmeceuticals, and antiaging procedures. This is what inspired her to write this book. In a refreshingly accessible way, Dr. Marmur explains that it doesn’t have to be so difficult

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